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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­sec­te­tur adi­pi­scing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­per mat­tis, pulvi­nar dapi­bus leo. 

For deve­lo­pers, it comes down to how to let Word­Press know you have trans­la­tion files the pro­per way. 

As deve­lo­pers we were told to use “load_plugin_textdomain()” and point this to our lan­gu­age file in our plu­gin folder. 

Howe­ver in the past this would be the only pla­ce Word­Press would look and if a custo­mer added the­ir own lan­gu­age file the­re, on the next upda­te it would be gone!

The­re was an artic­le on the web a whi­le back pro­mo­ting using a second call this time using the func­tion “load_textdomain()” to point to a file in the WP lan­gu­age fol­der and that is what a lot of people did (inc­lu­ding us).